Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Christening Dress

I am intending on posting lots of pictures and descriptions of my 'not-knitted-by-me' special possessions on this blog as I've always been a huge fan of knitted things. My Mum and Dad decided to start me off with a life in knitwear - and indeed with my quest to catalogue my cherished knits - with this image of my Christening dress.

It was knitted for my by my Grandmother (Mummy's Mummy), who was a wonderful knitter. - I also have a gorgeous bedspread knitted by her which I'll show off another time!


At 2:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi from Austria! This christening dress is so gorgeous, it's indeed a true heirloom and I can well imagine how much it means to you! It's so wonderfully done! I'm looking forward to seeing a pic of the bedspread from your Grandmother!

At 5:40 pm, Blogger Charlotte Frost said...

Thanks! She really was an incredible knitter! I'll have to work out how best to photograph the bedspread (I might ask my Dad, he'll do a better job) and post it soon!

At 12:31 am, Blogger Louise said...

Guess who??
It has been great following your blog - and just love the heirloom, can't wait to see more... at this very moment I am wearing one of my nan's creations that I love to wear at bedtime - I will post a picture soon. good night Lx

At 10:17 am, Blogger Charlotte Frost said...

Yay! Louise is here! Cute id icon, love the heart! I think I need to be more creative with mine (instead of using a photo - how boring?!). Look forward to seeing all your stuff!


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