SP8 Parcel!
As is customary in posts about receiving SP parcels, I shall set the scene:
It was blowing a hurricane outside and raining in angular sheets that spliced the view from my window like a wonky Venetian blind....
Ok maybe not....but suffice it to say that it was horrid weather, a Monday morning and I was all wrapped up ready to walk to the library, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I discovered a parcel just outside my door! And then I got even more excited when I peeked inside (carefully - as instructed by my SP in on the outer wrapping) and caught a glimpse of a long skein of purple, pink and blue wool. So here's what I got:

*A skein of sock wool which has been handpainted by my SP just for me (and in the most perfect colours!),
* a set of rosewood double pointed needles (which I have never seen before and which, by the way, feel divine!),
*a book full of sock patterns and easy to follow instructions from starter socks to advanced sock projects,
* a card covered in hearts (which will go straight into my heart card collection for framing - when my Dad the 'master framer' has time!)
Since opening the package I have been trying to study, but my fingers are itching to play with the wool and needles and I want to make myself a cup of tea and sit down and finally read how to make a sock! I have, however, been rather good and just gazed at my parcel contents periodically, whilst studying, and will wait till tonight to give it more attention, but I thought I'd take a few minutes out to show off my new things and, more importantly, say THANK YOU!!!!!! to my SP!!!!!!
The secret pal project is great - lucky you getting spoiled rotten over the next couple of months with little gifts. I like the idea that your pal is checking out your site to match up special treats. How cool is that! Having watched your site for a while I think your SP8 has got your first pressie spot on. ummmhhh Rosewood needles - please post a picture soon of them in action.
Spoiling you is so much fun, dear Charlotte! :-)))
Your Secret Pal
Hey Charlotte! I love that color of wool It's awesome. We move in a week! EEK!!
I bet you don't love the wool as much as I do!!! I made it into a centre-pull ball last night and have been gazing at it ever since!
Thanks Secret Pal, it was the perfect gift!
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