Sunday, July 09, 2006

Trip to Stash Yarns

On Saturday morning Louise and I made a mad dash to the new shop Stash Yarns in Putney to check out what it had on offer. I am excited to say that it was a really great shop (even if it is a bit of a trek for me to get to). I bought the person I am spoiling through Secret Pal her final gift and I finally got myself a copy of Knit.1 and also I picked up a copy of KnitScene. I would have loved to have bought some yarn, but I've been spending a bit much recently and Louise and I didn't really have long enough as we were due at a meeting for NODE.London, which is an arts org and season we are both involved with.

What was most exciting was that there were 2 Clapotis' (or is it Clapotii?) knitted up and seeing them in the flesh (yarn) convinced me that I must make one! I have of course seen other peoples' all over the blogosphere and have looked at the pattern lustfully a few times, but seeing one finished, getting to touch the Lion and Lamb yarn (and even knit with it as Stash Yarns have yarn already on the needles so you can have a go!), and being told that it isn't too hard for a beginner spurred me on. Now all I have to do is find some pretty stitch markers because I'll need 18!!!


At 7:28 pm, Blogger mjm knitting said...

what about making your own stitch markers. are their any bead shops near you?

At 9:40 am, Blogger Charlotte Frost said...

You are right of course, but I don't think I could add another hobby to my life right now or I'll NEVER get this damn thesis finished! For the moment I'll just have to soldier on with the gross plastic ones I bought from St Albans market a while back! :-(

At 12:44 am, Blogger Lyndsey-Jane said...

I am so desperate to get to Stash Yarns. I have to go to London in august and worked out that i could easly fit in a trip to the aformetioned yarn shop, only to discover to my horror they are closed that week for summer holidays.
As much as i love cambridge i really miss being able to jump on the train and be in Londoni 25 mins. I used to live in Hemel Hempstead and have said i will not move back to Herts unless it is to St Albans. You live in an awesome place with some great shops and how many pubs??

At 9:48 pm, Blogger Charlotte Frost said...

Bagpuss, how fabulous, I have a Mouse Organ Mouse sitting on my chair just next to me!

St A is fab, but I'm sure Cambridge has just as many pubs?!

Do go to Stash, its not huge, but there's some cute stuff in there!


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