Final FANTASTIC SP8 Package

My final package arrived from my Secret Pal early on Saturday morning and the excitement of it was quite exhausting - in fact I went back to bed to rest!
Firstly, my Secret Pal had made me 20 gorgeous stitch markers (ready to hopefully knit my Clapotis), in yummy shades of lilacs, reds and blues with lots of little twinkly beads, all served up in a lovely purple and red knitted pouch.

Then, she had managed to find me some Hip Knits aran silk in Blueberry Pancake (a shade which from the website had appeared out of stock and had made me sad on more than one occasion), which is just divine. It is such a 'me' shade, all that lilac and pink....and this was extra exciting to receive because after I had knitted with some of it (in the Peony shade) and given it away as a gift, I was feeling rather disappointed that I hadn't bought myself any.

Next in my package I discovered some yummy Weleda hand cream and Dr Hauschka Shower cream. These were great to get my hands on as Dr Hauschka is so expensive over here and I've not had any Weleda before. They smell delicious and the hand cream is a great size for carrying around in my knitting tools!

I also received the top book on my Amazon wishlist, which was Knitting Rules by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka the Yarn Harlot). I have been wanting to read this for a while, ever since I had a sneaky read of a couple of pages in Waterstones when I should have been looking for a philosophy book and embarrassed myself by laughing out loud!

The last but by no means least item I received in my final package was a lovely embroidered butterfly done by my Secret Pal's 12 year daughter Lena. Its so clever,

I can't believe what a great package of prezzies this was. My other parcels were so great that I felt sure my Secret Pal must have exhausted herself and then she did it again, she assembled an absolute winner! Thank you Secret Pal (and Lena), you have utterly excelled in the art of spoiling Charlotte!
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