Ch ch ch ch chain stitch
I'm learning to crochet!
Inspired by my brother's fiance learning to crochet and then starting to crochet a dress for her own wedding (in just a matter of months), I decided I should at least give it a go, and it turns out crochet is a whole heap of fun!
I've been teaching myself using Ms Stoller's Happy Hooker, which I really enjoyed asking for in the book shop while standing next to an elderly man buying a crossword dictionary! And so far I've mastered several stitches and several shapes including circles...
and (joy of joy) granny squares!
I cannot tell you how thrilled I am at being able to do a granny square. I've wanted to be able to for ages and have had all sorts of plans for kitsch cushion covers and throws and now the only things standing in my way are a lack of crochet hooks and yarn!

I do know that my tension is a bit loose on both of these projects, and that is down to the fact I can't find a crochet hook in any of my local shops so I asked my Dad to get me a 5.5mm one when he was in John Lewis, deciding that was a good 'in the middle' size, but it turns out, just like with knitting, I crochet a bit loose. When I've finally got a few hooks I think this small glitch will be ironed out.
But despite that slight teething trouble, the rest of my experiments have been fun, fun, fun.
And I'm happy to report that I ♥ crochet!

You MUST check out the Babette Blanket!! If that's not reason to learn crochet, I don't know what is!!!
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