Happy Mothering Sunday
My Mummy has one strict rule for Mothering Sunday: NO BOUGHT GIFTS!
I mostly observe this rule, and make or do something - although I don't think I ever did clean all the windows I once promised her I would. Last year she got a Simnel Cake, which involved a mad dash on the Sunday morning to find a blow torch to burnish my marzipan disciples! (which sounds painful now I think about it ;-).
This year, however, I whipped up a jar of passion fruit curd from a recipe in the back of How to be a Domestic Goddess and crocheted a small purple heart, using a crochet hook that once belonged to my Mother's Mother, for the front of a card. You can the curd and card both pictured below - although most of the passion fruit curd disappeared on Sunday as we all ate it over the meringues I had made for some guests of my parents' (who never arrived).

And actually the jar (which I adorned with fabric and wallpaper samples I ordered when I was decorating my flat - I didn't go with these colours, they were too red against my other furnishings) is sitting on a plate I painted for both my parents for the Valentine's Day before last. It is covered in hearts and on the front it says : 'hearts for you...' while on the back: 'for helping me mend mine'. Enough said really, Mummy (and Daddy) are always there when you need them, no matter what kind of mess you are in! (secret wink to my Mum! ;-)
Thank you! xxxxxxxxxxxx
secret wink back !!!!
Mummy wummy with the big fat tummy
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