I am rather excited to inform everyone (as if anyone looks at my knitting blog anymore anyway), that I'm knitting again!
I finished up the pair of socks for my Mum, but to be honest I didn't bother taking a picture as I was glad to see the back of them.
Then, Melinda asked me for the Central Park
Hoodie pattern, as she was over for our family 30-60-90 party (to celebrate my 30
th - in advance - and my Dad's 60
th and my Grandpa's 90
th - again in advance), and I thought "hang on, considering how prolific she's become, it would be really embarrassing if she finished a
CPH before me!", so I picked up the sticks.
I had already completed - sometime last year - the back and both front pieces, so I set to work on the sleeves. I'm doing that clever thing proper knitters do (which I once saw Mandy doing at the knitting group I used to go to) and am knitting both sleeves at the same time on the same needle using the same ball of yarn - confused? I was! Actually, it wasn't as scary as I had imagined, but I hate how twisted up the ball gets as you turn the needle to the other hand and the two ends of yarn get twisted together. The boy fashioned a turning-device for me out of a needle I wasn't using, but the flaw is that he has to hold it, and he isn't always here, so I've got a bit tangled again.
Anyway, the above shot is the sleeves in progress resting on one of my lovely new red leather sofas. Well, they aren't that new, I got them when I moved into the new palace in January, but this is the first time they've featured on my blog, in place of my old purple sofa which is where I usually took shots of my knitting. Don't worry, I still have the purple one, but now its in my study for when I'm PhD-fatigued (read: napping!;-)
So, I'm back on the woolly horse - long may it continue....