Ravelry you can add people’s work to your ‘favourites folder’, which means they get a little heart next to that project on their own projects page and you can regularly gaze at their piece from your own ‘notebook’. I cannot begin to express how proud I am of the 11 hearts – and counting - I have been given for my modified cupcake, or the also 11 hearts I’ve so far received for my Central Park Hoodie. To me, its like having someone come over and air-kiss you backstage at the showing of your latest collection, at New York or Milan maybe (I'm clearly fantasising), while saying ‘I’m just loving your work dahhhhhling’
Since getting on Ravelry I’ve been having a creative epiphany because you can wander through so many different styles of creativity in one place, and although I’m always hearting people’s work, I think its about time I started having a round-up on my blog and saying it more loudly. In view of the fact it is Valentine’s Day, which is one of my most favourite times of the year (whether I have a boy to spoil me or not) because all the shops fill with hearts and everything is red and pink and purple, I’m sending out some love y’all! So, to the following craftsters I’m saying: ‘Happy Valentines, I’m just loving your work dahhhhhling! xxxxxx’
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
In no particular order I bring you:
Greta the Pup by
Roman Sock aka 'Wibit' on Ravelry
Its crochet for heaves sake! How??? (image belongs to Roman Sock)
Absolutely anything by Little Cotton Rabbits aka 'bunny knitter' on Ravelry...
...especially, the rabbits! (image belongs to Little Cotton Rabbits)
Blossom Cape by 100 Mile Fiber Fest aka 'AlphaMango' on Ravelry. You'll need to follow the link for this one. She knows I hate her because I told her so already! ;-)
Doll Knits by Two Swallows aka 'twoswallows' on Ravelry
I don’t have a doll, but I do have a thing for mini-stuff! (image belongs to Two Swallows)
A 'freeform' crochet Travel Case by Janice Rosema aka 'janro' on Ravelry.

Freeform, as I understand it is working without a pattern and just letting your imagination take over. I've lifted this picture from Ravelry for those who aren't on it, as there is no link to this project on her blog, which I hope is ok?! (image belongs to Janice Rosema)
Betz White’s Cup of Joe pin cushions 
I loved the cupcake versions and I love these. I think they are all sold, so you can’t rush and get me one, but you can join in the applause! (image belongs to Betz White)
There’s so much more to talk about, but this will have to do for now…
You’ll note that in accordance with my efforts to keep abreast of all that is new, exciting and just damned delicious in the world of crafting, I’m making more of an effort to keep my ‘Blogs I Like’ list up to date. I would like to apologise however to
Purl This and
Roxy Knits for the fact that I’ve of course been pals with you both for a while, but completely dropped the ball when it came to listing you. And I should also say that
Purl This (aka 'Ladylungdoc' on Ravelry) is an absolute gem for always sending me links to things she thinks I’d like and generally keeping me abreast of all things knitterly. Just because I don’t always manage to put all your project suggestions into action doesn’t for a second mean I don’t LOVE receiving them or love spending hours, when I should be PhD-ing, perusing online yarn retailers to ponder my future purchases.
(You might also note that I’m becoming a bit promiscuous – on the craft front that is – and I’m listing blogs by crafters whose work I shall probably never be able to emulate, which reaches into sewing and all sorts – but its all about keeping my inspiration levels up and simply being in the loop/in love ;-) ♥)